Iron Ore Strategic Market Reports
Market fundamentals will be determined by the speed and size of the recovery from the global recession. At this stage, 2009 will be a tough year for global consumer demand, and deflationary conditions will remain until 2010.Read More橄榄石 olivine sand
镁橄榄石耐火材料的化学组成: (MgO)=37%~62%,m(MgO)/m(SiO2)波动于0.95~2.00。主晶相镁橄榄石 (M2S)=65%~75%。其余为MF和其他矿物。m (MgO)/m(SiO2) >1.33者往往含有少量方镁石。Read MoreIron Ore Production Cost Reports & Databases
Weakening global demand is providing some small advantage in that it is relieving supply tensions and removing shortages of skilled labour, goods and services within the industry. Combined with declines in energy costs, the industry is now faced with a reduction in production costs for the first time for many years.Read More磷酸盐结合砖 phosphate-bound bricks search
磷酸盐结合砖高温体积稳定性低于普通烧成砖;磷酸盐结合的不烧砖的常温耐压强度高于普通烧成砖;磷酸盐结合砖的显气孔率较低。 磷酸盐结合不烧高铝砖的潮解问题。当热处理温度没有达到500℃时,结合剂生成AlH2P3O10,易吸湿转变成AlH2P3O10·2H2O,这正是磷酸铝试样经过300~400℃热处理后,露置在大气中发生溃散粉化。Read MoreAbout Aluminum China 2014
We will attend Aluminum China 2014 at Shanghai on 9th., July-11th., July Location: Shanghai New International Expo Centre Booth No.: 3E57,Wecome you come to visit and guide to work.Read More加水用耐火泥和加磷酸用耐火泥的区别 The difference between fire mud for water and fire mud for phosphoric acid
加水用耐火泥的特点是成本低,施工时使用方便,把耐火粉和结合剂一起搅拌直接加水15-20%左右的饮用水调制即可使用。磷酸结合的耐火泥有两种,一种是加入磷酸二氢铝,另外一种是用磷酸稀释后在使用时加入一定比例搅拌进行使用。Read More回转窑焚烧炉窑内结圈的原因分析 analysis of ring formation in rotary kiln incinerator
回转窑焚烧炉窑内结圈的原因分析:由于国内环保要求越来越严格,处置成本越来越高,因此外送危废处置中心的废弃物一般都尽量浓缩,致使此类废弃物特别是固废和蒸馏残渣的热值普遍较高,多数情况下在3,000~5,000Kcal/kg之间。Read MoreC – CR2O3 reaction 反应
从C-CR 相图看, 1650’C下, cr2o3和C反应生产CR23C2,如碳饱和,可继续于CR2O3反应生产CR7C3,由于固相CR23C2成核困难,也会延长CR2O3还原反应的孕育期,由此看出,c对于CR2O3的还原反应。Read More