GB/T 2988-2023/高铝砖/High alumina bricks
GB/T 2992.1 耐火砖形状尺寸 第1部分:通用砖
GB/T 2997 致密定形耐火制品体积密度、显气孔率和真气孔率试验方法
GB/T 5072耐火材料 常温耐压强度试验方法
GB/T 5073耐火材料 压蠕变试验方法
GB/T 5988耐火材料 加热永久线变化试验方法
GB/T 6900铝硅系耐火材料化学分析方法
GB/T 7321定形耐火制品试样制备方法
GB/T 10325定形耐火制品验收抽样检验规则
GB/T 10326定形耐火制品尺寸、外观及断面的检查方法
GB/T 16546 定形耐火材料包装、标志、运输、储存和质量证明书的一般规定
GB/T 18930 耐火材料术语
GB/T 20511耐火制品分型规则
GB/T 21114 耐火材料 X射线荧光光谱化学分析熔铸玻璃片法GB/T 30873-2014 耐火材料 抗热震性试验方法
YB/T370 耐火材料 荷重软化温度试验方法(非示差-升温法)
3 术语和定义
GB/T 18930 界定的以及下列术语和定义适用于本文件。
普通高铝砖 common high alumina brick
低蠕变高铝砖 low creep high alumina brick
4 分类、牌号和形状尺寸
4.1 分类、牌号
高铝砖分为普通高铝砖、低蠕变高铝砖2类 15 个牌号:
“1,”“Z”“D”“R”分别为“锠”“砖”“低”“蠕”的汉语拼音首字母。普通高铝砖牌号中的数字为氧化铝的质量分数,“G”代表高炉用砖;低蠕变高锠砖牌号中的数字为蠕变率试验温度的 1/10,“K”代表抗热震。
4.2 形状尺寸
高铝砖的形状和尺寸应符合 GB/T 2992.1和 GB/T 20511的规定,亦可按需方提供的图纸进行生产。
5 技术要求
5.1 普通高铝砖的理化指标应符合表1的规定.
表1普通高铝砖的理化指标 |
项目 |
指标 |
LZ-80 |
LZ-75 |
LZ-70 |
LZ-65 |
LZ-55 |
LZ-48 |
LZ-65G |
w(Al2O3)/% |
μ0 |
≥80 |
≥75 |
≥70 |
≥65 |
≥55 |
≥48 |
≥65 |
σ |
1.5 |
显气孔率/% |
μ0 |
≤21(23) |
24(26) |
≤24(26) |
24(26) |
22(24) |
22(24) |
<19 |
σ |
1.5 |
常温耐压强度/MPa |
μ0 |
≥70(60) |
≥60(50) |
≥55(45) |
≥50(40) |
45(40) |
≥40(35) |
≥60 |
Xmin |
60(50) |
50(40) |
45(35) |
40(30) |
35(30) |
30(35) |
50 |
σ |
15 |
0.2 MPa 荷重软化温度(T0.6)/℃ |
μ0 |
≥1 530 |
1520 |
≥1 510 |
≥1500 |
≥1450 |
≥1420 |
1500 |
σ |
13 |
加热永久线变化/% |
Xmin~Xmax |
1500 ℃x2 h -0.4~0.2 |
1 450 ℃x2 h -0.4~0.1 |
1 450 ℃x2 h -0.2~0 |
注1:括号内数值为格子砖和超特异型砖的指标。注2:抗热震性根据用户需求进行检测。 |
5.2 低蠕变高铝砖的理化指标应符合表2的规定。
表2低蠕变高铝砖的理化指标 |
项目 |
指标 |
DRL. -155 |
DRL. -150 |
DRL. |
DRL -145 |
DRL -140 |
DRL -135 |
DRL -130 |
DRL -127 |
w(AI2O3)/% |
μ0 |
≥75 |
≥75 |
≥65 |
≥65 |
≥65 |
≥60 |
≥50 |
σ |
1.5 |
w(Fe2O3/% |
μ0 |
≤0.8 |
≤1.0 |
≤1.2 |
≤1.5 |
≤1.8 |
≤2.0 |
≤2.0 |
σ |
0.1 |
w(TiO2)/% |
μ0 |
≤0.5 |
≤0.8 |
≤1.0 |
– |
– |
– |
– |
σ |
0.1 |
显气孔率/% |
μ0 |
≤18 |
≤19 |
≤20 |
20(22) |
20(22) |
20(22) |
20(22) |
21(23) |
σ |
1.5 |
体积密度/(g/cm3) |
μ0 |
≥2.65 |
≥2.60 |
≥2.50 |
≥2.50(2.45) |
≥2.45(2.40) |
≥2.40(2.35) |
≥2.35(2.30) |
≥2.30(2.25) |
常温耐压强度/MPa |
μ0 |
≥70 |
≥70 |
≥60 |
≥65(55) |
≥65(55) |
≥60(50) |
≥60(50) |
≥55(45) |
Xmin |
60 |
60 |
50 |
55(45) |
55(45) |
50(40) |
50(40) |
45(35) |
σ |
15 |
10 |
0.2 MPa |
μ0 |
≤1 550 |
≤1500 ℃ |
1450 ℃ |
≤1400 ℃ |
≤1350 ℃ |
≤1 300 ℃ |
<1 270 ℃ 0.8 |
σ |
0.1 |
加热永久线变化/% |
Xmin~ Xmax |
1 500 ℃ x2 h0~0,2 |
1500℃ x2 h |
1 450 ℃ x2 h -0,2~0.2 |
1 450 ℃ x2 h |
抗热震性 |
≥15 |
≥15 |
≥30 |
≥15 |
– |
注:括号内为格子砖的指标。 |
5.3 砖的尺寸允许偏差及外观应符合表3的规定。
表3砖的尺寸允许偏差及外观单位为亳米 |
项目 |
指标 |
高炉用高铝砖 |
其他砖 |
格子砖 |
尺寸允许偏差 |
长度 |
±1.5% |
尺寸:≤150 |
±2 |
长度(宽度) |
+1 |
宽度 |
±2 |
尺寸:151~345 |
±3 |
高度(厚度) |
±3 |
厚度 |
±2 |
尺寸:>345 |
±4 |
同一面上相邻孔的间距 |
±1 |
扭曲 |
≤1.5 |
长度:≤345 |
≤1.0 |
– |
长度:>345 |
≤1.5 |
缺角长度(a+b+c) |
≤40 |
缺棱长度(e+f+g) |
≤60 |
≤40 |
熔洞直径 |
工作面 |
≤6 |
非工作面 |
≤8 |
裂纹长度 |
宽度 |
≤0.1 |
不限制 |
0.1~0.25 |
不限制(70°) |
0.26~0.5 |
≤15 |
≤40 |
≤30 |
>0.5 |
不准许有 |
厚度相对边差 |
≤1 |
注1:根据用户需求可对砖的一个主要尺寸进行分档,格子砖按高度(厚度)尺寸进行分档。 注3:对于格子砖,只要10块砖上、下相叠加即成为坚固柱子时,即使有凸起、挠曲、斜度等均为允许。 注4:缺角缺棱长度,同一块砖工作面上出现2处及以上缺陷时,单处缺陷按表中指标的 0.7 倍计算。 |
括号内裂纹的判定仅限于焦炉炭化室炉头及燃烧室炉头用高铝砖。 |
6 试验方法
6.1 检验制样按 GB/T 7321 进行。
6.2化学成分的测定按 GB/T 6900 或 GB/T 21114 进行。
6.3体积密度、显气孔率的测定按 GB/T 2997 进行。
6.4常温耐压强度的测定按 GB/T 5072 进行。
6.5荷重软化温度的测定按 YB/T 370 进行。
6.6加热永久线变化的测定按 GB/T 5988 进行。
6.7 蠕变率的测定按 GB/T 5073 进行。
6.8 抗热震性的测定按 GB/T 30873-2014 中“水急冷-直形砖试样”法进行。
6.9 尺寸、外观的检査按 GB/T 10326 进行。
7 质量评定程序
7.1 组批
产品按同一牌号组批,每批不大于 500t.
7.2 抽样及合格判定规则
7.2.1 砖的抽样和验收按 GB/T 10325 进行。
7.2.2 砖的验收检验项目如下:
7.3 合格评定形式
8 包装、标志、运输、储存和质量证明书
8.1 产品的包装、标志、运输、储存按 GB/T 16546 进行。发货状态、包装形式由供需双方协商确定。
8.2 产品发出时,应附有供方质量部门签发的质量证明书和产品使用说明书。质量证明书应载明供方名称、需方名称,生产日期、合同号、本文件编号、产品名称,牌号、批号、理化指标及保存期等内容。
High alumina bricks
1 Range
This document specifies the classification, grade, shape and size, technical requirements, test methods, quality assessment procedures, packaging, marking, transportation, storage and quality certificates of high alumina bricks.
This document applies to ordinary high alumina bricks and low alumina bricks used in high temperature kilns.
2 Normative reference documents
The contents of the following documents constitute the essential provisions of this document through normative references in the text. Where a reference file with a date is noted, only the version corresponding to that date applies to this file; Undated references, the latest version of which (including all change orders) applies to this document.
GB/T 2992.1 Shape and dimensions of refractory bricks – Part 1: general purpose bricks
Test method for bulk density, apparent porosity and true porosity of GB/T 2997 compact shaped refractory products
GB/T 5072 refractories – normal temperature compressive strength test method
GB/T 5073 refractories compressive creep test method
GB/T 5988 refractory heating permanent line change test method
GB/T 6900 aluminum-silicon refractory chemical analysis method
GB/T 7321 shaped refractory product sample preparation method
GB/T 10325 shaped refractory products acceptance sampling inspection rules
GB/T 10326 shaped refractory products size, appearance and section inspection method
GB/T 16546 General requirements for packaging, marking, transport, storage and quality certificates for shaped refractory materials
GB/T 18930 refractory terminology
GB/T 20511 classification rules for refractory products
GB/T 21114 Refractories X-ray fluorescence spectrochemical analysis method for fused cast glass sheet
GB/T 30873-2014 Refractory thermal shock resistance test method
Test method for softening temperature of YB/T370 refractories under load (non-differential warming method)
3 Terms and definitions
GB/T 18930 and the following terms and definitions apply to this document.
Common high alumina brick
Calcined bauxite as the main raw material to produce ordinary high alumina products.
Low creep high alumina brick
High aluminum products are fired with lower creep rate.
4 Classification, grade and shape size
4.1 Classification and brand
High aluminum brick is divided into ordinary high aluminum brick, low creep high aluminum brick 2 types of 15 grades:
— Ordinary high aluminum bricks :1Z-80, 1.Z-75, 1.Z-70, 1.Z-65, 1.Z-55, 1Z-48, 1.Z-65G;
— Low creep high aluminum bricks :DRL-155, DRL-150, DRL-145K, DRL-145, DRL-140, DRL-135, DRL-130, DRL-127.
“L,” “Z,” “D” and “R” are the initial letters of “Chang”,” brick “,” low “and” MAO “respectively. The number in the ordinary high alumina brick grade is the quality fraction of alumina, “G” represents the brick for blast furnace; The number in the low creep high brick grade is 1/10 of the creep rate test temperature, and the “K” stands for thermal shock resistance.
4.2 Shape and Size
The shape and size of high aluminum bricks shall comply with the provisions of GB/T 2992.1 and GB/T 20511, and can also be produced according to the drawings provided by the demander.
5 Technical Requirements
5.1 The physical and chemical indexes of ordinary high-aluminum bricks shall comply with the provisions of Table 1.
Table 1 Physical and chemical indexes of common high alumina bricks |
Item |
Index |
LZ-80 |
LZ-75 |
LZ-70 |
LZ-65 |
LZ-55 |
LZ-48 |
LZ-65G |
w(Al2O3)/% |
μ0 |
≥80 |
≥75 |
≥70 |
≥65 |
≥55 |
≥48 |
≥65 |
σ |
1.5 |
Apparent porosity/% |
μ0 |
≤21(23) |
24(26) |
≤24(26) |
24(26) |
22(24) |
22(24) |
<19 |
σ |
1.5 |
Compressive strength at room temperature/MPa |
μ0 |
≥70(60) |
≥60(50) |
≥55(45) |
≥50(40) |
45(40) |
≥40(35) |
≥60 |
Xmin |
60(50) |
50(40) |
45(35) |
40(30) |
35(30) |
30(35) |
50 |
σ |
15 |
0.2 MPa Softening temperature under load(T0.6)/℃ |
μ0 |
≥1 530 |
1520 |
≥1 510 |
≥1500 |
≥1450 |
≥1420 |
1500 |
σ |
13 |
Heating permanent line change/% |
Xmin~Xmax |
1500 ℃x2 h -0.4~0.2 |
1 450 ℃x2 h -0.4~0.1 |
1 450 ℃x2 h -0.2~0 |
Note 1: The values in parentheses are the indicators of lattice bricks and super special shaped bricks. Note 2: Thermal shock resistance is tested according to user requirements |
5.2 The physical and chemical indexes of low creep high aluminum bricks shall comply with the provisions of Table 2.
Table 2 Physical and chemical indexes of low creep high alumina bricks |
Item |
Index |
DRL. -155 |
DRL. -150 |
DRL. |
DRL -145 |
DRL -140 |
DRL -135 |
DRL -130 |
DRL -127 |
w(AI2O3)/% |
μ0 |
≥75 |
≥75 |
≥65 |
≥65 |
≥65 |
≥60 |
≥50 |
σ |
1.5 |
w(Fe2O3/% |
μ0 |
≤0.8 |
≤1.0 |
≤1.2 |
≤1.5 |
≤1.8 |
≤2.0 |
≤2.0 |
σ |
0.1 |
w(TiO2)/% |
μ0 |
≤0.5 |
≤0.8 |
≤1.0 |
– |
– |
– |
– |
σ |
0.1 |
Apparent porosity /% |
μ0 |
≤18 |
≤19 |
≤20 |
20(22) |
20(22) |
20(22) |
20(22) |
21(23) |
σ |
1.5 |
Bulk density/(g/cm3) |
μ0 |
≥2.65 |
≥2.60 |
≥2.50 |
≥2.50(2.45) |
≥2.45(2.40) |
≥2.40(2.35) |
≥2.35(2.30) |
≥2.30(2.25) |
Compressive strength at room temperature/MPa |
μ0 |
≥70 |
≥70 |
≥60 |
≥65(55) |
≥65(55) |
≥60(50) |
≥60(50) |
≥55(45) |
Xmin |
60 |
60 |
50 |
55(45) |
55(45) |
50(40) |
50(40) |
45(35) |
σ |
15 |
10 |
0.2 MPa |
μ0 |
≤1 550 |
≤1500 ℃ |
1450 ℃ |
≤1400 ℃ |
≤1350 ℃ |
≤1 300 ℃ |
<1 270 ℃ 0.8 |
σ |
0.1 |
Heating permanent line change/% |
Xmin~ Xmax |
1 500 ℃ x2 h0~0,2 |
1500℃ x2 h |
1 450 ℃ x2 h -0,2~0.2 |
1 450 ℃ x2 h |
Thermal shock resistance (1100 ℃· Water cooling)/ time |
≥15 |
≥15 |
≥30 |
≥15 |
– |
注:括号内为格子砖的指标。 |
5.3 The permissible size deviation and appearance of the brick shall comply with the provisions of Table 3.
Table 3: Permissible size deviation and appearance of bricks The unit is millimetres |
Item |
Index |
High alumina brick for blast furnace |
Other brick |
Checker brick |
Allowable deviation of dimension |
Length |
±1.5% |
Dimension:≤150 |
±2 |
Length (width) |
+1 |
Breadth |
±2 |
Dimension:151~345 |
±3 |
Height (thickness) |
±3 |
Thickness |
±2 |
Dimension:>345 |
±4 |
The spacing of adjacent holes on the same face |
±1 |
Contort |
≤1.5 |
Length:≤345 |
≤1.0 |
– |
Length:>345 |
≤1.5 |
Missing Angle length(a+b+c) |
≤40 |
Missing edge length(e+f+g) |
≤60 |
≤40 |
Hole diameter |
Working face |
≤6 |
Non-working face |
≤8 |
Crack length |
Breadth |
≤0.1 |
No limit |
0.1~0.25 |
No limit(70°) |
0.26~0.5 |
≤15 |
≤40 |
≤30 |
>0.5 |
Not allowed to |
Thickness relative to edge difference |
≤1 |
Note 1: According to user requirements, a main size of the brick can be graded, and the lattice brick is graded according to the height (thickness) size. Note 2: When the length (width) of the lattice brick is not less than 250mm and the height (thickness) is not less than 150mm, the size allows the deviation between the supply and demand parties to negotiate. Note 3: For lattice bricks, as long as 10 bricks are superimposed on the top and bottom to become a solid column, even if there is a bump, deflection, slope, etc., are allowed. Note 4: When there are two or more defects on the working surface of the same brick, the single defect shall be calculated as 0.7 times of the index in the table. |
The determination of cracks in brackets is limited to high aluminum bricks used in carbonization chamber and combustion chamber. |
6 Test methods
6.1 Test sample preparation shall be carried out according to GB/T 7321.
6.2 Determination of chemical composition according to GB/T 6900 or GB/T 21114,
6.3 The bulk density and apparent porosity were measured according to GB/T 2997.
6.4 The compressive strength at room temperature shall be measured according to GB/T 5072.
6.5 The load softening temperature was measured according to YB/T 370.
6.6 The determination of permanent line change of heating was carried out according to GB/T 5988.
6.7 The creep rate was measured in GB/T 5073.
6.8 The thermal shock resistance is determined according to the “water quench – straight brick sample” method in GB/T 30873-2014.
6.9 The size and appearance should be checked according to GB/T 10326.
7 Quality assessment procedures
7.1 Batch
Products according to the same brand group batch, each batch is not more than 500t.
7.2 Rules for sampling and conformity determination
7.2.1 Sampling and acceptance of bricks shall be conducted in accordance with GB/T 10325.
7.2.2 The acceptance inspection items of bricks are as follows:
— Ordinary high aluminum brick: apparent porosity, normal temperature compressive strength, load softening temperature;
— Low creep high aluminum brick: apparent porosity, room temperature compressive strength, creep rate.
7.3 Form of conformity assessment
Conformity assessment may take the form of supplier declaration, user certification or third party certification.
8 Packing, marking, transportation, storage and quality certificate
8.1 The packaging, marking, transportation and storage of the product shall be carried out in accordance with GB/T 16546. Delivery status and packaging form shall be determined by both parties through negotiation.
8.2 When the product is shipped, it shall be accompanied by the quality certificate and product instruction manual issued by the quality department of the supplier. The quality certificate shall contain the name of the supplier, the name of the demander, the date of production, the contract number, the number of this document, the name of the product, the brand number, the batch number, the physical and chemical index and the storage period.